In fact! if you think about it! any text should have a purpose! more or less explicit! whether it is professional copywriting or a shopping list.
Sometimes this cure passes through the form . Remembering that the form is also substance (a concept unfortunately often forgotten)! today I present some small tricks to improve a text written online and make it more effective! in the eyes of readers and… of Google spiders for the ranking of the web page!
Here are the topics related to professional copywriting that we will address in detail:
- The value of calls to action and some ideas for creating them outside the box.
- The effective structuring of a web page! the UX and the bullet points (invaluable information if your page is a landing page! with very specific purposes).
- How important it is to make it clear that you also have much more to say.
Do you need help writing texts for the web and social networks?Read our approach to writing online texts here:
Call to Action (CTA) – Calls to Action and Persuasive Writing
In short: explain in the call to action what the user has to do! how they have to do it! what benefits they will have. And don’t be afraid to be creative.
Another important aspect. Better bc data america not to be shy ; but rather tell the user exactly what to do! how/where to do it and why (with what advantages).
And! why not! also what to expect following the action.
Professional writing knows how to convey and convince in an empathetic way! adapting to the necessary style depending on the case. Copywriting does not only mean knowing how to choose the right tone of voice! but also and above all knowing how to evaluate “how” and “when” to say something; it does not only mean knowing how to write in impeccable Italian! but also knowing how to structure a speech aimed at convincing without altering reality ! but expressing it in the best possible way! inserting the CTA at the most appropriate moment.
Bottom line:
If you write online! you may have been online marketing tools for nonprofits frustrated from time to time that your beautiful and highly effective web page has not been taken into consideration by the public.
How is this possible? John Caples ! a great advertiser from the early 1900s! said referring to advertisements (but the concept can be extended to any communication):
“Readers are not idiots! if anything they are distracted” : they are overwhelmed by a great information chaos! by too many stimuli! increasingly noisy thanks to the constant hyper-connectivity guaranteed by smartphones! PCs! tablets! smartwatches! etc…
Ergo! once again! a disarming clarity is estonia leads needed. To be clear! the ingredients are always:
Structured and reasoned web page: avoid walls of text! instead choose a very careful subdivision into paragraphs! text styles and multimedia. You can also insert some icons! emojis or a small graphic or infographic! to visually break up the text! but also to accentuate the communicative clarity of the content and/or the concept expressed.