We can say at this point that the distinction between an experienced SEA Media agencies consultant focused on campaign management and a junior operator is becoming less and less relevant. Platforms impose restrictions and limit access to precise data. Today, it is no longer necessary to accumulate eight years of experience in Search to set up a Pmax campaign, define a daily budget, a ROAS objective and wait for performance to improve.
Google has clearly reminded us that the time has come for diversification and we must expect more transversality from agency partners on related subjects such as creation, tracking and the construction of test methodology to learn and experiment. In these cases of diversification lie the new challenges for the agencies of tomorrow.
A profound transformation of teams and organizations
The main challenge for agencies will therefore be to develop the skills ! of their consultants to make them multidisciplinary (data / media / business / tech / …). This means that training processes must be estonia phone number library reviewed ! from top to bottom to develop learning on related subjects (such as tracking, measurement, testing) rather than on historical pillars that no ! longer really have any hold (structure, bid adjustments, quality score, fine measurement, …). This also requires reviewing recruitment requirements to focus on research on profiles that may be less expert but have broader knowledge of the ad tech environment, for example.
Another major challenge is to develop the organizational structures of agencies in order ! to break down the silos between expertise, for example, to bring the data/tracking team closer to the media experts to refine the ! steering indicators and feed the algorithms with finer data typologies. Or to develop the proximity of product flow managers with operators in order to refine the structures of your campaigns and get the maximum performance from your SEA investments.
With a little Hindsight However
Seems relevant to project these changes so that there is a more global meaning in the highly siloed media operations. This will also involve media management that will not only be done on purchasing platform conversions what is sunrise (upc) really worth after its “return to the stock market”? but also ! on the advertiser’s business data, perhaps by making a link with MMM studies.
<p>In short, profound changes – ordered by Google – which skillfully guides ! its mobile list main clients (the agencies) towards an imposed transformation to adapt to its products.