The operation could not be completed

The error “Operation 0x00000709 could not be complet” usually occurs when you try to set the default printer on your Windows computer. This can prevent you from setting up the printer, and you may encounter this if the default printer is already install or configur. There are a few possible solutions you can try to get rid of this error.

Check other connect printers

Windows may display the error message “The operation could not be complet” if you have multiple printers connect to line database your computer and you try to change the default printer. To avoid this, you should first disconnect all printers except the one you want to set as the default printer. Once you have set it as the default printer, you can reconnect other printers if you ne to.

Try running the printer troubleshooter

If you’re getting printer-relat errors, you can try running Windows’ built-in printer troubleshooter to try to fix them. The troubleshooter will look for issues that are causing the “Operation could not be complet” error and try to fix them.

Open the Settings app from the Start menu or Win+Ishortcut and click System on the left.Scroll down and click Troubleshooting on do you have questions about what a host is? the right.

Then click “Other troubleshooters” on the next page.Click the Run button to the right of the Printer option to launch the printer troubleshooter.

When the printer troubleshooter opens, click Next and let it run. Then try connecting and setting up the printer again.

Update your printer drivers

Outdat drivers can also cause problems when trying to set up a default printer in Windows. Updating your drivers using Device Manager can help resolve these issues.

Right-click on the Start button taiwan lead and select Device Manager from the menu that appears.

Once the Device Manager opens, click on Universal Serial

The operation could Bus controllers at the bottom to expand it.

Right-click on “USB Composite Device” and select “Update Driver” from the menu.

Click “Search automatically for driver software” in the dialog box that appears on your screen.

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