Of course! these are purely symbolic “numbers!” since each industry and website will have its own real statistics! which can differ significantly.
But these numbers still speak to us very clearly:
- The online user is indecisive by nature and wants to think carefully before acting.
- The role of online marketing is precisely to facilitate these contact opportunities! providing answers to the most common doubts and offering a perception of reliability.
From this point of view! it is necessary to cultivate with patience and precision all the possible points of contact of an online brand with the public : Social Networks! natural ranking on Google (SEO)! Pay Per Click campaigns! Google My Business cards! PR! newsletters! even offline or retail communication . Everything contributes to bringing a user to e-commerce not 2! but 5 or more times…
In the attachment some examples of how a user must be convinced with infinite patience! over periods of time that can last even several months.
The strength of the brand
Furthermore! an ever-increasing number of visits would determine “ efficiencies of scale” . This means that the more visitors to the site there are! the higher the conversion rate for each user . It seems strange: with ever-increasing paytm database visitors! it is legitimate to also expect an increase in “time wasters” who look and move on (this would also apply to physical stores! if you think about it).
But there is also a “brand effect” that contributes : a strong brand brings with it elements of innate trust in potential customers! who flock there in large numbers (with direct traffic! perhaps). The brand is not up for discussion! so the cognitive barriers of the potential user are also lower: they are already more predisposed to trust and buy! without much evaluating the alternatives offered by the competition.
The exception: top performers are very strong on social networks
Partially in contrast with point 2: the best e-commerce sites actually record significant numbers in terms of engagement on Social Media .
Social as referrals of visits and therefore micro-moment marketing: how to get good results of sales is a surprising fact! even more so if it is found in Google Analytics! which has always been reluctant to give due dignity to Social Networks as finalizers or initiators of sales. NB: “cross-device” conversions are easily lost on Google Analytics (example: user who visits the brand’s fan page from the Facebook App and then goes to the e-commerce site from the navigation browser ).
Yet it seems that the real big difference between the Top e-commerce and the pursuers lies in the Social Media strategy that the former burkina faso leads have! unlike the latter.
This should not surprise you either: as mentioned! those who are able to tell and tell about themselves! to entertain and to re-attract users to themselves (therefore to the site) through Social in this specific case! will tend to register a greater number of visits (perhaps return visits)! associated with greater trust – a trust as Google defines it.