Effective Graphics for Social Networks

One of the main receptacles of our gaze and our attention today is a screen ; be it a computer! a tablet or a smartphone! it does not matter or in what situation! what makes the difference is the way in which we communicate through it.

The web is our virtual world ! but our approach to it is not that different from the “ real ” one. If once we discovered “ new ” things or received input and stimuli from the windows of a shop we saw while walking or from a rented advertising poster on a wall! today our shop window is the web and our use is the same as that of a driver at the wheel: fast and intent on doing several things at the same time.

Especially on social networks! why are graphics and visual approach so important?

For the same reason they are in any communication project! for their sex appeal that acts as a decoy for brain drain and timeless.

If you think about how quickly our thumb scrolls through the posts of an Instagram page on the smartphone screen! it will be clear to you how “well-made” graphics are the basis of good communication.

As on a supermarket shelf! the goal is to GET NOTICED to overwhelm the overabundance of the offer.

Creating a Good Social Media Post Graphic

The concept of beauty is purely subjective! but a “well-made” graphic does not necessarily have to be “ beautiful ”! it must fulfill its purpose .

A good product plays on quality ! but even vk database the best chocolate must first be tasted and then chosen; the graphic aspect of a post is comparable to its packaging! it is the dress of its copy; one without the other has no reason to exist.

Good communication without a good product (or message) at its base is useless! just as a good product without the right communication goes nowhere.

 What technical aspects should be remembered when designing graphics for social networks?

Size! texts! color model – First of all! a good graphic designed for Social  must have the right SIZE; there are an infinite number the operation could not be completed of websites that summarize the suitable formats in a clear and simple way like this one .

Every Social Network has its own tastes and – alas – they must be respected; you don’t go to dinner at a vegetarian friend’s house bringing a roast! You can also adopt the same content and the same graphics for the same post to be published both on Facebook and Instagram if you want! but it will be necessary to OPTIMIZE the size of.

This first rule is very important to ensure burkina faso leads that your graphics are at least visible and viewable in their entirety! without being cut off and/or distorted by the application or device.

If there are TEXTS on the graphics! they must not only be readable in size (it seems obvious)! but also understandable “on the fly”. In fact! we have said that the minimum attention of users is not only poor! but also hasty.

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