Social Networks for Business

How many times have you asked yourself if you are wasting time (and money) on Social Networks…

It’s normal, it’s right to question ourselves about strategic, marketing and communication choices. Today we’re talking about this: do you know why it’s important to manage your company’s Social Networks well? Why be present on Social Networks, in a proactive and reasoned way? [Read our take on Social Media for Business]

We will limit ourselves to listing 7 reasons, all very simple and clear.

7 Reasons Why Your Business MUST Be 

 Not managing your social media channels is like leaving the house unkempt, disheveled, with dirty clothes: the perception you will give of yourself will be negative, regardless of whether you are actually an honest and trustworthy bc data india person. “Others”, whether they are people, friends, potential partners or potential customers, have neither the time nor sufficient information to judge you thoroughly, whether you are a person or a company. Therefore, they will have to quickly deduce who you are, what you do and how you do it from first impressions. Social networks, as well as all communication channels (even offline) can help you build a good first impression, but also maintain it over time.

 “ Without Social channels, users will not be able to criticize me ” – FALSE: users will do it anyway, if they have the opportunity, on any other portal / website / Social channel. The difference will be that you – not being on Social – will not be able to defend yourself or assert your reasons .

 The general statistics are now clear: online users live on Social Media and increasingly use them as a means of scouting for new products and services , but also as a means of finding information in a preparatory phase for a purchase. Are you sure you don’t want to be on Social Media or do it “on a budget”?

Proactive on Social Media

 Being on Social “ because others do it too” is a banal and dangerous motivation . However, it is a fact the buyer thinks about it that, if your competitors are on Social Networks and activate all the useful tools to intercept the public, then you are running a risk in neglecting this communication opportunity. It is better not to be on Social “just for the sake of it”, but to be on Social Media with a very specific strategy and objectives .

 There is a lot of news on social media : a recent piece of news is the possibility of selling on Instagram directly without leaving the platform (a feature still in the restricted testing phase). Social networks are therefore communication estonia leads tools, but also means of direct and indirect sales – By the way: is everyone ready to sell with Instagram Checkout ? A fact: during the testing phase of the new Instagram Shopping, Adidas reportedly recorded a +40% turnover on the online channel…

Social Networks are a sensational sales tool , as anticipated in the previous point, if managed in a certain way . We limit ourselves to mentioning 2 of our projects, followed recently in the Health / Beauty sector. We talked about them here.

In both cases, it is about producing content for Social Networks, advertised to a female target, only via Facebook and Instagram. Social networks help to communicate and sell oneself.

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