What to Know for the SEO of the Future

Online Marketing means, for anyone, trying to gain visibility on the web towards a specific target of users. The most attentive will try to achieve this goal with different methods that make up the Marketing Mix: through Social Networks, with online advertising, through offline initiatives, with collaborations and a lot of communication to highlight their products and services.

One of the most sought-after sources of visits, since always, is given by natural traffic coming from search engines , because it is an essential prerequisite that can contribute to reducing advertising investments (or at least to divert them elsewhere or diversify them better), offering a lot of notoriety: an implicit thought that can be triggered in the minds of many users is ” if it is first on Google, it means that it is worthy and authoritative “.

Behind all this “SEO doing”, there is Google, with its unwritten rules, its best practices, its updates. Google is constantly changing shape, starting from its results pages available to users. If Google changes, then SEO work will necessarily have to adapt too…

How Google pages change, how SEO changes

Let’s take SERP – Search Engine Results Pages for example. In this image by Orbit Media also relaunched by Neil Patel, it is clear what bc data indonesia a revolution has been accomplished.

In summary:

  • organic (natural) results on Google have been largely hidden from user view . This is even more evident on mobile, where the “scavenger hunt” to find organic results can take several scrolls.
  •  The yellow background is no longer there: less savvy users will not easily notice the difference between natural links and sponsored links.
  • Now there are many rich snippets , which show the user a synthetic response to the information typed into Google. Another element against natural results…
  • The classic 10 results on the Google search page are now, in some cases, no longer 10! But also 7, 8 or 9… Ads, maps, images, rich snippets take up space and knock some natural results off the first page. Google SERPs with less than 10 natural results have gone from being about 2% to… 18%! A brutal increase in a few years, highlighted by Moz .

Google, between updates and changes of direction

These changes must lead to two fundamental considerations for the marketing manager:

  1. You always have to think in terms effective graphics for social networks of Marketing Mix : SEO is not the only thing, you have to diversify your activities, both online and offline. Google wakes up one day and for whatever reason takes away 70% of your organic traffic: what do you do? Airbnb won its competition with the lesser-known VRBO: the latter, however, dominated the search results page, and had also existed for over 10 years compared to Airbnb. Yet Airbnb managed to win the battle with its rival thanks to a substantially better product, a better User Experience and a hammering multi-channel approach with advertising on board airplanes, pay per click, Social Networks. Read this case study here: www.nachoanalytics.com/blog/airbnb-vs-vrbo
  2. If the will is to receive many visits, requests and sales from Google (in general), then the Google Ads platform becomes almost a estonia leads must, to grab those paid positions, high up on the results pages. With due care, however, given that Google Ads is trying to “automate itself as much as possible”, with the aim of “simplifying” itself in the eyes of users,But this also means giving free rein to the Google Ads algorithms which, often, broaden targets and strategies, with progressively increasing budgets spent. More generally: it is becoming increasingly difficult to exclude Pay Per Click from any marketing strategy.

Furthermore, if we talk about basic actions to keep in mind to embrace Google’s change, then we cannot help but list the following points.

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