Russian brands were just carbon copies

Basically, all, and foreign ones were expensive for most clients. I had an idea to create my own brand of stylish tools for barbers and masters.

An important advantage was the fact that I communicated with my future customers every day. When developing the technical characteristics of the products, I took into account the accumulated knowledge and needs of the audience. The first audience were students who were just studying to be hairdressers. Within a year, we added a special line for beginners.

This year the company turns six

We have grown from a small wholesale organization to a federal chain of retail stores and our own brand of hairdressing asia mobile number list tools (Mustang Professional, Neko, Inari). Our conceptual showrooms operate in ten cities, and the online store delivers throughout Russia and the CIS. At the moment, we have more than 90,000 clients and we continue to develop.

Startup funding
At the initial stage of any project, it is difficult to get credit money. Banks approve less than 1% of applications Russian brands for beginning entrepreneurs. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of trying to get money for an idea. The main criteria for a bank:

Experience and ability to evaluate a working project

It is necessary to look for external financing only when your project has been successfully developing for at least 6 months. When evaluating a business, analysts visit the warehouse and office and document the reality of the business.
Ability to Russian agb directory brands manage cash flows. Banks will evaluate not only the prospects of the business, but also the entire credit history. Do not be afraid to take out small loans as an individual and repay them on time.
At the first stage of russian brands were just carbon copies negotiations with banks, I received more than 30 refusals due to a clean credit history and the inability to provide collateral. As a result, the only available source of financing was the immediate environment and the search for a private investor.


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