Everything would have continued

From the first days of the newspaper’s opening, people willing to work for a salary came to me: there was an editor-in-chief of the publication, a journalist, a development director, a distribution manager. There were everyone except advertising agents who create the cash flow.

I published the newspaper weekly for five years

Having survived the “onslaught” of competitors, threatening to close. There were good times in terms of income and not so good times. In the end, the newspaper found its audience, became recognizable and popular, but did not bring in the expected income. What we earned, we spent. like that, and perhaps gradually I would middle east mobile number list have come out on top. Our newspaper was sold in many retail outlets, and one of the most visited changed its owner in January, and during the month while the renovation was underway, our readers could have been left without a newspaper. This upset me very much.

Work in the Epiphany frost
The former owner of the premises suggested that I sell the newspaper on the street next to the store. My head was spinning with thoughts: “Who? Me? On the street? In the cold?” Since the editor-in-chief, unlike other employees, had more time, I had to borrow a camping table from my dad and go outside.

It was scary to even think about it

However, when Everything would I went out for the first time, passers-by took me well, bought a newspaper and asked: “Do bullet points and numbered lists you only have one newspaper?” I asked which one they wanted and thought, why not bring them this newspaper. You know, I haven’t had this for five years, when people paid me 10 rubles, buying a newspaper, and I took this hard-earned money in my hands with a feeling of happiness!

My first Everything would experience in business led to zero, and it was from this zero that my real profitable business began, which is now 10 years old. Life itself suggested to me the path to a business that brings in good income to this day. My business scaled up to 20 press outlets. In addition, my second co-founder and agb directory I developed three more areas: installation and maintenance of climate control equipment, satellite dishes and video surveillance.


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