This is how my business started

While studying at the full-time department of the Institute of Culture, I worked as a music teacher in a kindergarten in my free time. One day, my colleague and I decided to order a collection of scripts for children’s matinees in order to study the experience of our colleagues. Having seen an advertisement in a magazine, we came to the director and made a presentation of the desired purchase for the benefit of the cause. We were allocated a sum of money equal to half of my salary.

Imagine the disappointment

At that moment when we found ourselves with a booklet with three scenarios that were not even worthy of a college student’s term paper! Even though we did not derive any direct benefit from the book, this little book gave impetus to a future business with a turnover of millions.

The idea of ​​creating income from scratch was just there. I had a typewriter at home, I printed out all the available scripts. Each whatsapp number list sheet had to be printed by hand. I made a commercial proposal, in which I described who business started I was, what I offered and how to order. I made a price list, setting a price for each script. On the way home from work, I stopped by the post office every day, where on the tables there were thick paper collections with indexes and names of all the settlements of our vast country from A to Z. I used them as a database of potential clients. I made a wish that when the index catalog runs out, I will buy an apartment.

The work “boiled”: I printed commercial offers

Packed and more visibility on social media business started sent letters. After some time, orders began to arrive. I will never forget how I received my first money transfer for payment of a parcel. This is a very exciting and happy moment that is impossible to forget! The orders grew like a snowball and one day, having agb directory received several transfers at the same time, I realized that I had my monthly salary in my hands! That is how my business began.


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