This Certification covers all Google tools

In the event of non-compliance, the DoC has the power to remove certain companies from the list. European companies will still be able to use the services of a company that has been removed from the list, but they will no longer be able to use the DPF to regulate the transfer of data. They will then have to put in place other safeguards such as Standard Contractual Clauses or anonymisation mechanisms such as proxying to offer the same level of protection to the data of EU nationals.


Certified publisher or not, action plans for each scenario

If your solution publisher is on the DPF list , it may receive and costa rica phone number library process personal data of Europeans. The use of this tool no longer requires the implementation of other appropriate transfer guarantees.

For example, Google, originally certified under the Privacy Shield on September 22, 2016, announces a new certification date of September 14, 2023 .

Certified companies must specify the scope of the certification. For example, Google mentions that its certification covers the activity of Google LLC and all of its wholly-owned US subsidiaries.Google Analytics, Google Workplace, etc.

Adobe, originally certified on June 6, 2017, announces a certification on November 10, 2023 applicable to all data processing carried out in particular in order to provide online products and services and carry out customer support activities.


Conversely, if the Company that Publishes  

Solution is not on the DPF list , it is necessary to supervise the transfer of data, for example by signing Standard Contractual Clauses.

In addition to implementing an appropriate safeguard, the decision swisscom launches wi-fi 7 router as a swiss “first” to invalidate the Privacy Shield requires European companies to analyze the legislation of the country receiving the data to ensure an adequate level of protection for the data.

With the DPF, data transfers made under the DPF no longer require mobile list this prior analysis. Companies using the other transfer safeguards can simplify their analysis by using the European Commission’s findings. Indeed, the safeguards put in place by the US government in the area of ​​national security (including the recourse mechanism) apply to all data transferred to the United States, regardless of the transfer tool used.

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