Discover what the AIDA model is and how to apply it to your Digital Marketing strategy!

The origin of this methodology is attributed to the American E. St. Elmo Lewis, a pioneering advertising researcher who began his work at the end of the 18th century.

The AIDA model explains that, to  guide the consumer to the purchase , it is necessary to attract attention, maintain interest and generate desire so that they then make a decision.

  • A = Attention
  • I = Interest
  • D = Desire
  • A = Action

Initially, the model was used primarily in the production of print advertisements , proposing that they should have visual elements at each stage.

Thus, the recipe for success was based on:

  • attractive image,
  • interesting subtitle,
  • educational text body,
  • and advertiser contacts so that the consumer could reach the product.

Obviously, that was long before the Internet came along. Lewis had no idea of ​​the potential of the AIDA model for  digital marketing success .

However, I already understood the importance and some  basic principles for converting customers .

These principles are currently applied in both marketing and sales, since it is necessary to guide the customer during the purchasing process .

Here we will explain each of these stages in practice and how to use the concept to increase sales!

How does the AIDA model work?

The evolution of Marketing allowed AIDA to be uk telegram data used in other forms of dissemination of a brand or product, such as advertising on television and  Content Marketing  in the digital media.

There are important factors such as age, lifestyle, culture and motivations that influence people’s way of thinking, reflecting in their behavior and also in their purchasing decisions.

Before applying the AIDA model to your marketing strategy, it is essential to consider who  your brand’s buyer persona is  . With that in mind, we can now discuss more precisely the meaning of each word in the AIDA acronym.

We will explain each of them separately below!


Your  buyer persona must know facebook in b2b is out but still makes sense! you exist, otherwise they won’t discover the value of what you have to offer.

But how to get their attention?

Be clever and  use different types of language to convince  (as opposed to force) the potential client to stop what they are doing and pay attention to you.

But beware of uncomfortable ads at inappropriate times.

It’s not pleasant when a commercial for building materials interrupts a travel program. However, the perspective changes when an advertisement for an airline ticket promotion appears. In fact, the person is likely to pay a lot of attention to that advertisement.

So, to attract the attention of potential customers in a positive way, you need to consider:

  • Location: Stay where your buyer persona can be found;
  • timing: consider when or how many times she will be in that location;
  • surprise factor: cause some impact on your interlocutor.


You managed to get attention!

But how do you keep this potential phone number vietnam customer listening to you until you send the desired message?

Simple: the message must be extremely important to the audience you are trying to reach.

The person has gotten to know you better and is now starting to trust you, feel connected to you and consider what you say. So, encourage them to get even more curious!

To achieve that,  your message must be seen as an opportunity to solve a problem .

It is essential to understand what the buyer persona needs in order to then direct your efforts and help them meet their needs.

It’s important to be consistent with the first impression you make. If you used a question to grab the audience’s attention at the initial stage, now is the time to deliver on the promise and start explaining how and why you will deliver value .

In this second stage, you can  use data and other  persuasive arguments  to help inform, educate, and engage your audience around your issues.

This way, your audience will want more details on the topic and you can move on to the next step.


Interest in the topic does not guarantee that the consumer will reach the final stage, so it is essential to create desire.

Your buyer persona knows that there is a problem and a solution and begins to understand that the answer may be in your brand , so it is  time to show all your qualities .

If you can prove that you have mastered the subject and that your brand will offer many benefits, the number of conversions will increase.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the volume of people reaching this stage will be lower than in the previous stages.

If after trying to spark interest in the buyer persona, they still haven’t gotten involved, it means they haven’t identified with the problem or the solutions you presented.

That doesn’t mean your strategy failed!

That’s exactly why a customer’s purchasing journey is often related to a funnel : the further down the funnel you go, the fewer interested people there are.

Therefore, it is important not to lose connection with people who move forward in the funnel, deliver more value and strengthen the relationship with the brand .

Are you wondering how to deliver more value? Among other things, explain the benefits and qualities of what you have to offer, present success stories, customer reviews and everything else you can to generate more trust.

If the consumer found enough value and is satisfied with your response, you are now ready to take action.


After awakening desire, it is crucial to maintain the consumer’s urgency to encourage them to take the next step.

Your role now is to  facilitate the consumer’s path to action .

Is this stock a buy? Not necessarily.

It depends on how your consumer’s journey unfolds and what you have planned for the end. The action can be, for example, accessing the site, watching a video or subscribing to a webinar .

Make it clear how the person can take that action! Otherwise, you may lose that consumer.

If it is a print ad, for example, it is essential to leave all the contact information so that the reader knows exactly what to do until they carry out the suggested action.

How to apply the AIDA model in Digital Marketing?

Have you understood all the stages of AIDA, but you are still not sure how to incorporate this methodology into your online strategy? Don’t worry, we will talk about that topic now!

There are several ways to apply the AIDA methodology in the Marketing universe.

In the field of Digital Marketing, the AIDA model is present in remarketing actions  , video ads,  e-mail marketing campaigns  and  corporate blogs , for example.

When we talk about Content Marketing, the AIDA model is important both in the production of content for the blog and in the technical part of the site that complements that content.

Specifically, it must be present in this way:


First of all, it is important that you are found on Google by your buyer persona.

Create  titles that impact  your audience and make sure they include  keywords  that are important to your target audience and are within Google’s display patterns (something between 55 and 67 characters).

Aside from paying attention to the Title Tag,  master other SEO techniques to increase  the visibility of your domain and be there when the public shows up.


After clicking, the first impression the reader has of your page counts for a lot!

Therefore, it is very important  to optimize the design  and create initial content capable of convincing the reader to continue reading.

Try  to stimulate your audience  as much as possible by suggesting that they access other content on the blog.


After passing a certain authority and value, the buyer persona will enter the  middle of the funnel stage .

In this section  , you can talk about the brand or product  in order to win over the reader. At this point, it is worth presenting rich content such as e-books, guides and tutorials. These materials can be very important and effective.


Once you’ve managed to capture the user, it’s time to direct them and  make them interact directly with you .

In fact, you created the material for a specific reason. So make sure the reader understands that reason and eliminates the risk of people deciding to leave the page when they find the answer.

The  CTA  (or call to action) should be prominent in the layout and well positioned on the screen.

Another important point is that the call should be simple. This optimizes time and prevents the consumer from having to work hard to obey it.

Do you want to get even more results from your digital strategy? Then check out our  complete guide to Content Marketing .

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