Facebook in B2B is out but still makes sense!

Facebook is out! According to a survey by BtoB Magazine in April 2011, 71% of the companies surveyed use Facebook for their B2B marketing. However, only 20% of B2B marketers consider Facebook to be really important! Why is that?

The two most common goals in B2B  Facebook in B2B is social media marketing are increasing brand awareness and using SEO effects (source: B2B Social Media in Practice study ). One goal that was still underestimated in 2010 was personnel marketing. In 2011, B2B companies want to use social media much more frequently for personnel recruitment purposes.

The SEO goal cannot be

Achieved directly with Facebook. Blogs, Twitter and forums/groups are more suitable for this in social media marketing. Brand awareness 99 acres database can only be increased with Facebook if the content of this channel is so good that it is recommended. This is, along with sharing, one of the basic principles of social media marketing.

And here comes the answer to the question posed Facebook in B2B is at the beginning: Companies think too often in terms of channels when it comes to B2B social media marketing. Instead, a central guiding idea and strategy should drive the thoughts. Facebook is out if it simply repeats the content of the website and does not stand out from it. There may be cases where it makes sense. But these are very rare.

When it comes to the goals of lead generation (for 58% of B2B marketers), brand awareness and SEO, Facebook can only play a complementary role. The central submit the sitemap to google role in B2B social media marketing should vary from case to case depending on the initial situation, environment and company.

Facebook can be very successful

HR marketing, as Krones shows. And here it is clear that a separate idea was developed for Facebook. In this case, Facebook makes sense as an independent channel. The pressure to find suitable specialists is very high for B2B companies. But according to various studies, the main goal for B2Bs is still lead generation. However, completely different rules and success factors apply to this than to Facebook!

Conclusion: Facebook only really makes jiangxi mobile phone number list sense for B2B if a completely independent . Idea is developed to achieve personal marketing goals. Or if Facebook is integrated into an overall strategy.

Reading tip: Our colleagues at Onlinemarketing-Praxis have also looked into the topic and looked at Facebook for B2B from a different perspective .

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