Online marketing is increasingly practical

We recommend you be there on that date! because there will be an event that we DON’T miss every year: the MARKETERs Festival ! a solid and highly pragmatic event! just as we like it. It has now become a point of reference for all marketing professionals and enthusiasts! having already reached its fourth edition .

As with every edition! the news follows one another: an increasingly complete training offer with leading names in the world of Digital Marketing. Among the leading names! we find Enrico Gualandi! Laura Pezzotta! Gaetano Grizzanti! Matteo Pogliani! Giorgio Soffiato! Mariano Diotto and many others.

The speakers come from both the consulting and corporate worlds! giving all participants the opportunity to have a complete vision of digital marketing! from both sides of the fence.

The topics addressed: Social Strategy! Digital Strategy! Data Management and Automation! Content! Digital Media! Digital Sales! Community and Management Advocacy! Brand Identity! Human Development.

The MARKETERs Festival is therefore positioned as an excellent event for undergraduates and recent graduates who want to approach the world of web marketing! but also for professionals and enthusiasts who need to network in an event that is now a consolidated reality in the Italian marketing scenario.

MARKETERs Festival: discounted price

If you have decided to participate! then vnpay database it is time to hurry up and buy the ticket! at a discounted price until September 30 (75 euros + VAT). Alternatively! you can use the discount code BEESOCIALMF19 even after the promotion expires! buying the ticket here and entering the coupon in the promotional space.

The Ticket Partner MF19 ticket includes entry to the event! 2 Coffee breaks! access to all Speeches! Workshops with Digital Certificate! Case studies and Slides of all interventions.

B2B Day 2019: Out of the Funnel!

We hear more and more about the the abc of tools and strategies concept of funnel and how the theories related to it are disproved or reconfirmed every other day. Precisely for this reason! seized by a spirit of research! Bee Social will participate as a media partner in the event of next September 25th at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation in Milan.

Behind this curious title! Marketing Arena! the organizer of the event! wanted to hide a real provocation.

We will therefore find ourselves witnessing estonia leads a comparison! accompanied by this question! in order to understand exactly how to analyze each individual strategy in the B2B field.

To best address the topic! there will be speakers of great importance from companies that are already asking questions about marketing in business-to-business.

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