For individual expert assessments, the analytical group uses statistical methods. When it takes into account the opinions of specialists, it develops criteria, determines the median and range of responses. But the effectiveness of the method depends not only on statistical data, but also on certain requirements. We list them below.
The overall results of the study depend on the quality of the experts and their competence. The entire system of the method is built on the information from the experts. The number of experts should be sufficient for adequately conducting the study using the Delphi method and analyzing expert opinions, but the maximum is 20.
Independent opinion
The experts who express their opinions on the problem do c level executive list not have contact or communication with each other. This ensures the independence of expert opinions and the absence of influence from more authoritative colleagues.
Clear formulation of questions
To collect opinions, questionnaires must contain questions with clear wording that does not imply double interpretation. At the same time, the question can be formulated in such a way that it is possible to write the answer as a number.
Openness of information
During the research, the group of experts may request missing social networks for business information on the problem from the organizers. Each answer must be justified. Although the participants answer anonymously and autonomously, they have access to feedback from analysts. The answers of the other experts are known from the reports of previous rounds, because analysts take into account and summarize different opinions.
Specific time frames
Although the express method may not show reliable results in one day, it is not worth stretching the study either. The time interval between rounds according to the Delphi method suggests an interval of no more than a month.
Pros and cons of the method
We have already noted some advantages of using the Delphi mobile lead method, speaking about its features. Let us note a number of other advantages, and also indicate the reasons why the method based on expert assessments may not be effective.
Advantages of the method
Let’s take a closer look at what other advantages this method has.
Free expression of opinions
The anonymous and independent nature of the method allows experts to freely express their opinions and not fear conflicts.
Reflection in reports and responses
Thanks to the feedback process and the availability of information, the method allows you to think about the essence of the problem, reconsider your opinions or, conversely, make sure that they are objective.