The other has something else

For example, two people who need to be recognized in the eyes of others. The goal is one, but the tools are different. One focuses on the external entourage: car, clothes, speech, etc., while the other sees fulfillment in promoting his work, remaining in the shadows. Why is that? Each of these people has different values. One evaluates people by their appearance. It seems to him that others think the same way.. All this is taken from family, environment, living conditions.

It is necessary to work out

The system of values ​​and america phone number list needs of the individual, after which the motivation and its strength will become clear. After that, it is necessary to activate the volitional sphere, which will be based on the personal interest of one’s own benefit. If you know why you need to do something, what will be good for you in the end, then the desire to create appears. It is as if a new battery appears. The journey of setting a goal and achieving it is more exciting than the result itself. However, focusing on the end result gives you the strength to go.

What can you read?

“Procrastination. First Aid” by Tanya van Essen, Henry Schouwenburg.
“On the Benefits something else of Laziness: A Guide to Productive Idleness” by Andrew Smart.
“Antifragility: How to Profit from Chaos” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
“The Pomodoro Method: Managing Time, Inspiration, and Concentration” by Francesco Cirillo.
“On Russian drunkenness, laziness, roads and fools” by Vladimir Medinsky.
“Don’t Put It although the tight deadline usually something else Off Until Tomorrow: A Brief Guide to Overcoming Procrastination” by Timothy Pychyl.
“The Cure for Laziness” Vladimir Levi.
“The Procrastinator’s New Year: 23 Stories That Helped You Overcome and Achieve Results” by Steve J. Scott.
“The Magic of Time adb directory Management” by Lee Cockerell.


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