The volume of traffic measured is decreasing

Given the growing challenges facing companies in terms of compliance, audience measurement is an increasingly crucial challenge. However, some solutions offer configurations approv by the CNIL, subject to a certain number of rules to be respect. This is the case of Piano Analytics, with its hybrid measurement. Matthieu Bons, Analytics & Conversion Manager at Converteo, explains how it works.

To remember:

  • Regulatory developments make online audience measurement complex, because the deposit of cookies is now conditional on explicit consent from the Internet user.
  • Hybrid measurement, develop in particular by the publisher Piano ecuador phone number library Analytics, nevertheless makes it possible to continue to monitor the exhaustiveness of traffic on a site or application, by offering several collection and measurement modes.
  • Once implement, the hybrid measure allows for the recovery of a significant volume of traffic. In addition, exempt events and parameters – validat with the legal department on a case-by-case basis – allow the data to be enrich with additional contextual elements.
  • However, it is important to anticipate the consequences of such a configuration on the solution and audience analyses, as it can impact exports, dashboards or analyses in particular.


Today, the CNIL regulations are clear:

The deposit of a tracking cookie on a browser is subject to the explicit consent of the user. In the event of refusal of consent, the data can no longer be collect. Consequence?  in France, the consent rate is on average 72.1% , which mobile list therefore represents 28% of potential traffic not collect.

Fortunately, solutions are gradually emerging to limit the impact of this understanding the do not call registry measure. Subject to compliance with several rules set by the CNIL , they allow data to be collect without the user’s consent, in order to track the exhaustiveness of traffic on a site or application.

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