This Movement has made Conventional Companies

David Spire joined Converteo in September 2023 as a partner with the mission of leading a new practice dedicated to product management . Now Managing Director of Converteo, Jérémie Lévy has previously supervised ! product teams for several years in large companies, particularly in the telecom sector. David and Jérémie look back at the reasons that led Converteo to create this new product management consulting activity and specify the vision that the firm intends to bring to the market.

Product management is sometimes called  

David – “We can already start by recognizing, without bliss, the enormous contribution of startups and scaleups which, over the last fifteen years, have put innovative products on the market at rates that are sometimes unbelievable for “disrupted” competitors and enabled a real leap forward, both methodological and cultural, by restoring the centrality of user problems, their requirements, their behaviors. aware of the urgency of reorganizing themselves to produce superior features, a level of service, an experience. Successful startups have all excelled in the product field, seeking their growth largely through successes in adoption, usage, and user retention, because their products were great!

Jérémie – “Imagining that there was no product management before guatemala phone number library startup s is obviously false. If we only think of the last twenty years, with the digitalization of many services, it is mainly very. Large companies that have designed and deployed digital products ! adopted by millions of users. The smartphone application ! of your bank, your telephone operator, the customer area of ​​your energy supplier !are all areas in which companies have been confronted, at the same time as startups, with the collection of almost ! continuous user feedback and an explosion of usage data available, two key factors of modern product management. They simply did it with a history – we talk about legacy ! which is sometimes a real technical, organizational, cultural debt.

How can we teach people about this expertise today?

But it would be a mistake to oppose startups and large groups: it is undeniable that new ! players have put products on the market that bring radical innovations in the features and experience offered. The time to mastering telemarketing skills a beginner’s guide market has been faster, and the evolution of the products has been faster.

The increasing success of these startups’ digital products has generated a lot mobile list of interest ! and notoriety for their “chief product officers”, their methods, their tools, and for the organizational schemes implemented in these companies.

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