At the heart of this product management revolution is data

JL : “In ten years, one of the most striking changes in my opinion is the downgrading of so-called “V-cycle” methodologies and the advent of the era of agility. Of course, agile methods sometimes experience a form of “dissolution” in contact with corporate cultures that are still too rigid, but deep down, agility has won the cultural battle. It is the most desirable product management benchmark today, and that’s a good thing.

Our analysis at Converteo is that data has been the main driver of the progression of agility. What do you ultimately gain by moving from V to agile, if not data? You put smaller product developments in contact with users more quickly, which allows you to learn in real time and on a market scale. And this data can in turn be the basis for better decisions on the roadmap for future developments.

What is your view on the importance of data issues in product management?

DS: “In theory, product management has now understood this paradigm. In practice, learning all the lessons from it remains extremely complex. Product managers and product owners must process data whose sources have become highly diversified: internal product usage data, A/B tests, customer interaction ! with after-sales service, advertising performance data, web comments, competitive data, etc.

When all these flows are received, it’s dizzying! Teams lack either the denmark phone number library time or the expertise, and often both ! to sort through them, structure what is important !identify what is missing, and make the best use of the data with regard to the company’s business objectives.

Data science and data engineering, data analysis, data visualization: these skills are today ! at the heart of the needs of product teams, but they are rare, expensive because they are in high demand, and sometimes ! difficult to connect to an existing product team, without the right cultural and organizational adapters.


Is my Product economically Viable?

The demand for data in the product also results from a recent refocusing, post-Covid. I would say, on the business performance of the product. How does it integrate into the company’s operational ecosystem?

The centrality of the user has been digested by organizations, it is a new perplexity ai integrates a buy button into its core phase that opens ! dominated by the challenges of efficiency, performance, and sobriety. At Converteo, we audit the data maturity of  product ! teams in this perspective of connection and training with the business through a mobile list proprietary analysis framework. This approach allows our clients to better understand where their product ! teams are starting from and what efforts need to be made to lead them towards greater excellence.

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