Although the tight deadline usually

The newspaper issue could not be miss, so now every day I start at 6 am with the thought: “Where can I get money?” I only manag to go to b at 3 am. In general, I was feverish and shaking during that period, my mother did not grieve! outweigh the joy of the absence of the boss, but the thought that this was a startup and it would be easier in the future consol me.

In the morning, after taking the children to kindergarten, I went to meet with clients. Most often, these were heads of enterprises and businessmen.

After lunch, I continu to search by phone for advertisers

Willing to invest in a publication unknown to the general public. At night, I it the newspaper and sent the layouts to a freelance layout designer in another time zone.

The most interesting telegram number list tight deadline thing is that I lik all of this and saw it as the only path to a bright, secure future. I drove away thoughts of hir employees, because there were no people willing to work for a percentage at a startup.

I didn’t want to tight deadline work until I was sweating, I want everything to work on its own. My kind husband said: “Here is a box of money in our desk, take from there as much as you ne.” And that’s what I did. Since there was no special plan, there was a business plan, of course, but it was very different from reality and was more like a term paper, which is impossible to apply in life with its unexpect situations.

I rent an office at a high price in the very center of the city

Hir a female tight the real social you can’t do without deadline employee to work with clients on a salary. I thought the money would come by itself. The joy of the next issue coming out on Wnesday was replac by concern because there was not enough budget to work on the new issue on Thursday. I did what I agb directory could do without money, imagining that the money was on the way. At the right moment, it “magically” appear.


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