Towards an advertiser revolution 

In parallel with this revolution of agencies, that of advertisers must also be prepared. They must therefore expect more from their agencies. If there is less campaign optimization and more space for the machine, we should therefore observe a shift to high value-added tasks. But is this really the case?

Just as the Expectations of a Media

Agency must be Revised by advertisers, another subject must be at the heart of the ! debates, that of the economic support model (%spend or fees).

The arrival of automation directly corresponds to a spectacular reduction  in account management time. Thus, it is impossible to consider that an advertiser who has made the switch from a very time-consuming SEA “classic egypt phone number library structure” to Pmax pays the same price (or more) while the partner works less on operational matters. Or else, a question must be asked, that of knowing if the subjects ! with high added value have progressed significantly in the meantime?

Has there been more in-depth analysis? more testing? more innovation on behalf of advertisers? If the answer is no, it is annoying in two ways, the first because it is distant from Google’s vision of a 2023 agency partner and the second because the advertiser still pays the same amount to a partner who works less.

At This Stage

The change is presented and well received by those concerned. It remains to  be seen in the coming months how the ! structures, people, organizations, offers and economic ! models of the agencies wi to telemarketing best practices for saas companies these new rules dictated by the reference player.

The arbiter, in our opinion, is the ability of an agency partner to provide mobile list the ! best possible media performance, its ability to question itself and its ability to implement maturity projects driven by a test and learn approach.

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