I will later discover that his anger is particularly unleash when it comes to his son: “no one has any interest in touching my son” serves enjoyment . He asks to be recogniz as a good father, who knows how to take care of his son. “Being a good father” is an attempt to tie the symbolic and the imaginary with the real, an echo of the transgressive and unrepresentable pleasure of his own father, which makes a hole in the meaning and marks his being: “I am not a faggot, I am not a nobody”. Welcoming his anger, without trying to silence it by recalling the law or the norm, will allow Paul to better identify the reality at stake for him and find subjectively less costly strategies to defend himself against it.
What allow a serves enjoyment word to unfold
was having agre not to back down from my own anxiety and having brought into play a desire to know, while keeping myself from embodying the Other who knows, the figure of a mobile database pleasure-seeking Other who persecutes him. “If I stay, it’s because you heard me, you didn’t tell me what I should do. And you weren’t afraid of me when I spoke loudly, you weren’t worri,” he tells me when he leaves for another region.
It is being there when the Other becomes. protocol and injunction and presses us to respond.
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A psychoanalysis is undoubtly
an experience that consists in constructing a fiction. But at the same time, or afterwards, it is also an experience that consists in undoing this fiction. […] Fiction is rather put to the betting email list test of its impotence to resolve the opacity of reality.” J.-A. Miller, “The Pass of the Parlêtre” La Cause freudienne , 74, p. 123.
“What is real in the symptom is Whether it speaks, whether it is a message, whether it can be decipher, it is not on the same level as what it is us for. Well, I say that it is this torment, locat at this place, which defines today what it is to be Lacanian.” J.-A., Miller, “The Lacanian Orientation. The Symptom-Partner”, lesson of November 26, 1997, unpublish.