Writing for Social Media

I have met many digital professionals who have preferred to specialize in Social! because they do not like writing posts on corporate websites and blogs! or newsletters.

There is a problem! however: writing and social creativity are two sides of the same coin. Writing – whatever anyone says about the relevance of videos or images online – remains a common and fundamental element even for those who find themselves managing social network channels! be they Instagram! Facebook! LinkedIn! etc…

The main problem when posting on social media: the length of the post

Let’s talk right away about an existential dilemma. Write a lot! write a little… There are some “standard lengths” that you should rcs database potentially respect to have a better chance of being read and understood! depending on the various channels in which the text will be published.

While they are a good general guideline (which we report below)! we prefer to go against the grain : use the length you need to express the concept! remembering to “cut” and thin out what you want to say as much as possible! so that it arrives directly and essentially to the brain and heart of the readers.

However! regarding the “typical” lengths! AdEspresso has carried out a research ! measuring the relationship between quantity/quality of interactions and length of texts. We list the key points below! representing them with the example in the photo.

 Page Title (point 1) : There is not much to say about it. The title is the name of the page you have chosen. If you are going to open a fan page! choose a simple! easy to remember! short name.

 Ad text (point 2): 

this is the fundamental element! together then click on printers with the title and the image! so it must be thought out very carefully.

Personally! I think it also takes about twenty words (125 characters) ! in Italian! to express a concept and insert a call to action! remaining in a few lines. The ideal would be for it to always be visible on any positioning! without being cut.

On Facebook! for example! if you exceed 80 characters the text will be “cut” and the words “More…” will appear; this does not mean that we necessarily have to write texts with a lower number of characters! but that we must write interesting content so that people feel encouraged to click and continue reading.
Mathematically Facebook only imposes a few limits on us:

Depending on the tone of voice you choose! consider using emojis or not! which can often help to attract attention! but don’t overdo it!

 Image (point 3) : when creating graphics for social networks! it is always a good idea to use a suitable format and choose the correct dimensions based on the social network you are publishing on. Make the most of the potential offered by the channel: carousels! multi-photos! slideshows! interactive experiences…

 Average title length on a Facebook Ad (point 4)

For the series: clear and immediate message! for users (almost all) who dedicate little attention when browsing on FB.

 Link description (point 5) : 30 characters burkina faso leads available. It won’t always be displayed! on the contrary! But it’s better to include it.

 Button with preset CTA – Call to Action (point 6) : always include it! if possible. It suggests to the user what he has to do (and what you want him to do)! it encourages him to take action.

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